Persons with Disabilities

Persons with Disabilities

Mann - Center for Special Needs
Sense International India
Suryoday Trust
Sahana Charitable trust
The Sarvodya Collective
Umed Pariwar
Save The Destitute Foundation
Aesthesis Foundation for visually impair
Medicina Alternativa of Bharat
Sense Kaleidoscopes (Ayathi Trust)
The Umoya Foundation (Umoya Sports)
Kalyani Charitable Trust
Sankalp Charitable Trust
Vardayani Apang Seva Sanstha
Self Esteem Foundation For Disabled
Veruschka Foundation
Sai Sweekar Child Development Center
Raay Foundation
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Mumbai
Maharashtra Dyslexia Association
Adventures Beyond Barriers Foundation
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Pune
Association Of Social Beyond Boundaries
Trinayani - Creating Awareness about Disability
GiftAbled Foundation
The Blind Relief Association, Delhi
Discover A New Dawn (DAND)
Little Hearts Learning centre
Satya Special School
Andhra Mahila
Goodwill Mission - Snehan
Ridlan AI Foundation
Olides Sahara
Muskan Foundation