Please read the following terms and conditions of service before submitting opportunities to ConnectFor. The submission of the company logo will be taken as acceptance of the same.
- ConnectFor is a project of the Rosy Blue Foundation (RBF), that seeks to examine the potential contribution
of human resource to the development sector. As such, it will work to match volunteering opportunities with
volunteers that demonstrate both an interest and skill for the same.
- Neither ConnectFor nor RBF will be held liable for the experience of volunteers during opportunity fulfilment;
RBF’s involvement is limited to the matching of opportunity and volunteer(s), and the collection of feedback
for the same.
- All organisations that submit opportunities to ConnectFor must have proof of being registered as a Trust/
Society/Section 25 company, including the certificate of registration, an IT PAN, and a verifiable address.
- All companies that choose to to associate with ConnectFor will share their logo image, and allow for it to be
profiled on the website as a partner organisation.
- RBF will publish research reports based on the findings through ConnectFor. All information collected from
organisations and volunteers will be used towards these reports. RBF will seek approval of the organisation
before publishing any data/information related to the organisation.
- A designated member of the RBF team will serve as an organisations’s point of contact throughout its association with ConnectFor. In case the person is changed, the organisation will be notified in writing.
- The organisation will also provide a single point of contact for continuous association with RBF and ConnectFor. This point of contact will collect share volunteer information with the RBF team. They will also be
expected to do a check in with their designated ConnectFor member once every two weeks, as per a predecided schedule, based on mutual convenience.
- All opportunities will have a start date a minimum of 10 working days from the date of submission. Exceptions to the same can be considered upon the discretion of the RBF team.
- RBF does not take responsibility for volunteer(s) conduct. Organisations are recommended to conduct interviews with potential volunteers based on the nature of the role they are expected to fulfil for the organisation, especially when working with sensitive beneficiaries.
- Organisations submitting opportunities will be required to give feedback in the format required by ConnectFor within a month of the completion of an opportunity; failure to do so will result in no more opportunities
being fulfilled through ConnectFor subject to the discretion of the RBF ConnectFor team.
- RBF cannot guarantee the fulfilment of every opportunity requested, but will do our best to find the right volunteer for the requested opportunity.
- For group engagements, RBF will connect as many volunteers out of the requested number as possible.
- If any opportunity is revised (either time, location, description) up to 48 hours before its start date, the volunteer and ConnectFor are no longer obligated to maintain their commitment, unless revised with mutual consent
- RBF will provide no less than one and no more than 5 volunteer options for each requested opportunity it
believes can be fulfilled based on the existing database of volunteers.
- RBF will inform the organisation within 3 weeks (or as requested by the organisation) from receiving an opportunity as to whether or not they will be able to find a match for it
- If an opportunity profiled on ConnectFor is completed externally, or has expired before it has been matched,
the organisation will inform their RBF point of contact of the same.
- ConnectFor is a platform only for time and skill based opportunities; no requests for financial transactions,
donations, or contributions will be profiled.
- Organisations will not make financial or personal funding demands from volunteers connected to them
through ConnectFor.
- RBF reserves the rights to decide an organisation’s association with ConnectFor. Organisations wishing to
terminate their association, must put in a request in writing for the same.
- Any material used by RBF, such as opportunity curation forms, feedback forms, engagement forms, are the
intellectual property right of RBF. Reuse/ sharing of these materials requires written permission from a
member of the RBF team.