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Welcome to ConnectFor
Let's start with registration
Please enter alphabets only
Name should be in between 3-40 characters
Special character <> not allowed in ngo name
Please enter Valid Email Address
Email Address should be in between 5-50 characters
A user with same email id already exists.
Please enter a valid Mobile number.
Please enter a valid Mobile number.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
A user with same Mobile number already exist.
Resend OTP
Please enter the OTP
Profile is already registered.
A user with same Mobile number and email id already exists.
A user with same Mobile number already exists.
A user with same email id already exists.
You have reached maximum number of attempts to generate OTP. Please try after sometime.
OTP is invalid, please enter valid OTP.
Please enter valid OTP
One Time Password (OTP) has been sent to your Mobile number
Your OTP is locked.
One Time Password (OTP) has been sent to your Mobile number
Please enter valid whatsapp Mobile number
NGO Registered
NGO Not Registered, please try again later
Update Mobile Number
Updating your mobile no. will help us to communicate in better way with you.
Please enter valid 10 digit mobile number.
Please enter valid OTP
You have reached maximum number of attempts to generate OTP. Please try after sometime.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
Profile not registered.
Same mobile number already exist.
We have sent you a 6 digit verification code by text to your mobile number.
Please enter valid 6 digit code.
Code is invalid, please enter valid code.
Your code is locked.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
User with same mobile number already exist.
Didn't receive the code?
Password changed successfully
Password changed successfully
Change Password

Very Good

Changing your password will sign you out of your devices. You will need to enter the new password when you sign back in.
New Password must contain:
- Alphanumeric 8-16 characters
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character among(@#$%^&_!=)
Forgot Password
Please enter your mobile number or email address to verify your account.
Please enter valid 10 digit Mobile number/Email address.
Currently valid 10 digit mobile number required for code.
Please enter valid OTP
You have reached maximum number of attempts to generate OTP. Please try after sometime.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
Profile not registered.
We have sent you a 6 digit verification code to your mobile/Email
Please enter valid 6 digit code
Code is invalid, please enter valid code.
Your code is locked.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
Didn't receive the code?
Don't have an account? Join us now
Create New Password

Very Good

New Password must contain:
- Alphanumeric 8-16 characters
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character among(@#$%^&_!=)
Don't have an account? Join us now
Update Mobile Number
Updating your mobile no. will help us to communicate in better way with you.
Please enter valid 10 digit mobile number.
Please enter valid OTP
You have reached maximum number of attempts to generate OTP. Please try after sometime.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
Profile not registered.
Same mobile number already exist.
We have sent you a 6 digit verification code by text to your mobile number.
Please enter valid 6 digit code.
Code is invalid, please enter valid code.
Your code is locked.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
User with same mobile number already exist.
Didn't receive the code?
Log in to your account
Please enter valid 10 digit Mobile number or Email.
Valid 10 digit Mobile number has required for OTP.
Profile not registered
You have reached maximum number of attempts to generate OTP. Please try after sometime.
Resend OTP
One Time Password (OTP) has been sent to your mobile number
Exceeded maximum OTP validation.Please generate OTP and try again.
Profile is not registered.
We are facing technical issue. Please try after sometime.
Please enter the OTP
Please enter valid OTP
Your OTP has locked
Invalid Mobile number/Email or Password.
Please enter valid password.
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